Carla Mate Goldar

Management Associate

Project Manager

Biomedical scientist with a too curious and creative mind, who felt the need of get more actively involved in helping research projects and ideas reach the market; re-orientating thus her professional career into strategic business management and tech transfer. I am passionate about innovation, digital transformation and disruptive technologies in the healthcare sector.

After my researcher experience in the Netherlands and Germany, I have worked as Health Consultant and Project Manager in Spain, helping healthcare organizations improving their strategic positioning and defining a successful roadmap for launching their products and efficiently optimizing their services.

Constant learner, with an entrepreneurial spirit and strong international background, I am proudly joining Innovation Forum to help strengthening Barcelona as a reference innovation hub in Europe, as well as to foster collaboration between the scientific community and the industry all around the globe.

Other team Members

Enrique Fernandez Serra

Barcelona Branch Leader

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Judit Arguimbau Julian

Marketing Associate

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Joel Sabaniego

Former President Innovation Forum Barcelona

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Ricky Pérez Wienese

President Innovation Forum Barcelona

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Carlos García-Ramos

Operations Manager

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